District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

Public Image Avenue Review Back
  • Work Done BY District PI Team : 
  1. The PI team has attended all the important events so far such as … PETS, AGAC, DTTS, DTA, CRM.
  2. The new RY with “First Day First Show” on 01.07.2023 at Sarasbag Ganesh temple with “Shri Ganesh Atharvashirsha '' and Aarti at Shri Dagdushet Ganesh temple. 
  3. Conducting Zoom meetings every 15 days and monthly meetings in person with 90 % attendance of team members. (So far 15-District and 9-Inter District) = 24 meetings conducted)
  4. Monthly PI virtual Awards started, so far seven awards given.
  5. Flyer on special occasions: Flyers are being sent on all special days along with weekly flyers for secretarial announcement (Fun Facts) and getting good response. Major activities done like Flyers for Chandrayaan-3 / World Championship by Niraj Chopra / Rotary Green Friday / Info on famous Rotarians, International youth day and so many.
  6. Clubs are circulating flyers prepared by the District PI team on Social media very enthusiastically.
  7. Good reach on all handles on social media with 3.50 Lacs reach with a lot of followers, PI team is working in many ways for creatives with a view to improve the Public Image of Rotary.
  8. PI activities – Very good video of 4 Way Test by RC Nigdi, Chandrayan Public show by RC Talegaon Dabhade.
  9. WhatsApp group created for all PI Directors which is receiving very valuable inputs.
  10. Kothrud Shree Ganesh Festival: Flashmob Done on 25.09.2023 which was appreciated by many Districts within/outside India. Appreciations received from RC Latur Mid Town 3132, RC Mathura 3110, RC Trans Ekulu, Nigeria 9142, Rtn. Businge Bob 9213, RC Oxbow Lake 9141, Rtn. Bruno Mota 4521 and many others. The proud moment for us was our DG Rtn. Manjoo Phadke was felicitated by Hon. Smt. Amrutatai Fadanvis who was the chief guest. This Flash Mob was arranged holding Rotary Placards in hand and the total crowd was around 2000.
  11. Rotary Millet Jatra on Sunday, 10.09.2023 with 17 Clubs. The whole day event includes cooking competition, live cooking, buyer & seller meet, cultural program, awareness campaign. This would be an excellent PI within non-Rotarians. (This year is International Year of Millets 2023) It was published in rotary news too.
  12. Musical program “Aashiqui” of Bollywood songs supported by District 3131 Polio team. This was Fundraiser program by RCP Camp along with PI & Polio team enabled to raise Rs. 3,16,000/-
  13. Print Media (Paid):Rtn. Rajendra Sonar from PI team is publishing each and every news of all our Clubs in paper media. 
  14. Promoted every district avenue’s activities on district social media platforms
  15. During the Green Society meeting @ Talegaon Dabhade displayed District 3131 projects on digital screen.
  16. More than District’s 40 + Club projects published in paper media
  17. Conducted Social media campaign “Rotary Durga” to respect and felicitate woman in Rotary for their achievements / multitasking work.This initiative of 3131 PI team has received very good response / feedback and concept has been picked up by few other districts.
  18. Promoted District conference video through social media.
  19. Support / guidance to other districts (Thane) for social media literacy.
  20. Upcoming event: Inter District Public Image Seminar.


  • District Team’s Future Plans and Upcoming Events: 
  1. Inter District PI seminar for the first time in our District 
  2. Digital Gurumantra / DG Desk / Rotary idol (Inter District singing competition) on 14th April,2024/ Patrakar Parishad (Journalists Conference) / Orchestra from especially able / Meeting with satellite Clubs / many others