District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

Technological Innovation in Rotary: A Bridge Between Generations at 119 Years Back

As Rotary commemorates its 119th anniversary recently, we are confronted with the dilemma between tradition and innovation. The need to integrate technological innovation into our humanitarian project necessitates us to reflect on both the past and the future. Nevertheless, there is another challenge that is equally important and complementary: attracting young individuals who are already deeply involved in technological advancements to join our mission, strengthening Rotary not just as a club of friends but as a community of problem solvers.


It's crucial to realize that true innovation goes beyond just using new tools and methods in this transformative context. The task involves creating bridges between generations, cultures and different levels of technological proficiency. Rotary's invitation to young people who have grown up in a digital world is not just about growing our membership, we are infusing our organization with new ways, perspectives, ideas and energies.


While older Rotarians may view this integration as a challenge, they may also see it as an unprecedented opportunity. The fusion of wisdom, experience, innovation and creativity can be unleashed through inter-generational collaboration. Young members have the ability to bring technological fluency and new approaches to problem-solving, but more experienced Rotarians have valuable insights, mentorship and a deep understanding of the humanitarian needs that continue to drive our mission.


The moment has come to re-evaluate the meaning of being a Rotarian in the 21st century. Our focus is not solely on serving our communities, but on redefining service and utilizing technology as a tool to expand our impact. Rotary can become a place where fellowship is the foundation of significant innovations and effective humanitarian actions through this transformation.


As we begin this new chapter in our history, I urge all Rotarians, young and old, to view technological innovation, and the inclusion of new generations not as a threat to our tradition but as an expansion of our legacy. Our doors and hearts should be open to the youth, and we should encourage them to join us in our collective journey of service and learning.


As Rotary marks its 119th anniversary, let us actively invite new generations to join us, not just as members but as indispensable partners in the quest for a better world. Make Rotary a place where respect, fellowship, and innovation are united, leading us towards our continuous mission of serving our communities.


This is our challenge and more importantly, a fantastic opportunity. Rotary's ability to transcend the concept of a club to become a genuine force for inter-generational change can be achieved by embracing innovation and youth. In this new dawn full of possibilities, may we reaffirm our dedication not just to the communities we serve but also to the future we can construct together. 


Thus, Technological innovation, instead of being a hindrance, presents itself as an opportunity for growth and renewal. May we embrace this invitation with the identical spirit of friendship and service that has defined Rotary throughout its 119 years of history. Because, in the end, it's through innovation that we can keep up with our motto: “SERVICE ABOVE SELF”


Jai Hind!

Rtn Dr Ravikiran|Secretary – RC Kharghar Midtown
_A sheer & Enthusiastic Rotarian_