Rtn. Shubhangi Mulay
District Governor
Rtn. Shital Shah

Rotary Club of Pune Sportscity Back


Based on the request from the Principal of Sharda Vidyalaya, Sahajpur, Rotary Club of Pune Sports City sent a project proposal to its CSR partner Hodek Vibrations Technologies in Sahajpur. The project proposal was approved and provision was made  to provide cycles to needy girls staying more than 2 kilometres from the school as well as maintaining good academic performance. RC of Pune Sports City team led by Rtn. Ram Kulkarni and Rtn.Prasann Chobe obtained 28 Hero cycles within the budget after receiving 3 quotations from vendors.

On 14th November 2024, celebrating Children’s Day in honour of Pandit Nehru’s birthday, club distributed the cycles to the selected girl students. A grand function was held at Sharda Vidyalaya, in the presence of Hodek management, Rotary members and School staff and all the students. The smiling proud girls receiving their cycles made this project a memorable success. This will save the benefitting girls time and reduce absenteeism, enhancing their overall academic performance.

Rtn.Sandesh Savant

Rotary Club of Pune Sportscity


On  26th November. Rotary Club of Pube Sports City conferred  Service Excellence Recognition Award ( SERA) on Cpt.Bhupendra Dhamankar at a Joint meeting with Rotary Club of Pune North and Rotary Club of Pune Baner.

President Rtn.Sadhana Joshi, President  Rtn.Shanthi Shridhar, President Rtn.Aniruddha Joshi were present at this programme.

Cpt.Bhupendra is a warrior at the 26/11 Terrorist attack at Mumbai in 2008 and saved lives of captivated people at Hotel Trident, Mumbai. PRID Rtn.Dr.Mahesh Kotbagi had a dialogue with Cpt.Dhamankar.

PDG .Ravee Dhotre proposed Vote of Thanks.

The Citation was read out by the Vocational Service Director PP Rtn.Dr.Rupinder Beri. This programme was anchored by Rt.Sushrut Sardesai.

Rtn.Sadhana Joshi

Rotary Club of Pune Sportscity