District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

Presenting the GML in a Bold New Avatar! Back
We are excited to present our district GML in a new form that brings the benefits of technology to all our readers. We are thrilled to upgrade the way we will be able to share stories, news and updates with our community that will help us in expanding our reach.

With the desire to offer a more accessible and interactive reading experience, we decided to transition from our traditional PDF format to a dynamic and responsive format. The GML now adapts to various devices - whether you prefer to read it on your phone, a laptop, or a tablet. No more zooming in and out or struggling with tiny fonts; the content will look just right, no matter the screen size.

Our new GML also enables us to incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, social media posts and interactive graphics. I am sure this will add a new dimension to our reading experience, bringing stories to life in ways that static PDFs simply cannot.

Very soon, every club will be able to upload their own content. You will have full control on the text, images and videos helping you to ensure correctness of the content published in the GML. Of course, the GML Editor will approve the content after confirming that it complies with the standards set by Rotary and our GML team.

The new GML also makes it easy for us to share specific content on our social media channels. Every article and news item in the GML has its own url (link) that you can easily share on WhatsApp, Facebook or LinkedIn.

As we embark on this digital journey, we thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. I express my gratitude to DG Manjoo, who wholeheartedly supported this initiative as always. Thanks to Rtn. Rushikesh Kulkarni for coordinating the website development. Special thanks to DGE Shital Shah for helping us in achieving the results quickly and effortlessly.

Here's to a more connected, accessible, and interactive experience with our very own GML!

Rtn. Mohan Chaubal
District Secretary, Innovation