ASSISTANT GOVERNOR AVENUE CHAIR- AGAC is a learning program to be arranged by Distrct Governor Elect for his officers, before commencing his tenure. Accordingly, the DGE Shital Shah arranged the same on 25th & 26th February, 2024 at Hotel Rhythm, Lonawala. I feel very proud to say that our club i.e. RCP PHOENIX, which is just five years old, got an opportunity to host this event, for which we would like to give thanks to District Governor( RY2024 - 2025) Shital sir from the bottom of heart.
Actual event commenced on 25th Morning @ 9.30 followed by break fast. President Sameer, after calling the meeting for order, made his introductory speech followed by club AV. Thereafter, being a Convenor, I got an opportunity to have a dias to explain logistics of the event.
District Events Secretary Rtn. UnmeshRisbud was MOC for this entire event, who did his job marvelously.
Then, plannery session commenced by speech of DGE Shital Shah, followed by speakers DLF Pankaj Shah, PDG Mohan Palesha, PDG Deepak Shikarpur & thereafter guest speaker Jyoti Rai from South Asia Office of RI was quite interesting. She appreciated the projects done & proposed by District 3131. Rtn. Vivek Dixit gave vote of thanks and then there was a lunch break.
After lunch break, break out sessions started in three independant halls. One for Directors & Co- Directors, second for Assistant Governors & third for ALF & Secretariats. The break out were in the form of discussions. Special Work Books were prepared for every category, which were consisting of various topics, note pad, programs, projects & QR code for suggestions. All the sessions continued till 6.30 p.m.
In the evening, after 7.30 p.m. entertainment program of MUSICAL TAMBOLA conducted by Rtn. CharuBhave, who was assisted by Rtn. ShubhangiMulay, Rtn. Madhur Dolare& myself. Everybody took part in it & everyone was charged by this program, ofcourse a delicious dinner followed by the said program. Attendees asimilated till late night. It was a great fun.
On 26th morning, 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. slot was reserved for breakfast. Thereafter, photo session completed at the lawn. At 10.00 a.m. Break out sessions started, which were continued till 01.00 p.m.
All the attendees enjoyed the delicious lunch together till 2.00 p.m.
At 02.15 p.m. plannery session was commenced at main hall. DG ManjooPhadake was the main speaker for this session. Thereafter, DGE Shital Shah, PDG Shailesh Palekar shared their thoughts. Thereafter, Rtn. Amol Diwekar made presentation for DTLS, which was scheduled on 10th March, Rtn. Vasavi& Nana Patil made presentation about RBN. THEN, DLF Pankaj Shah took charge & he pointed the success story of this event. He also invited various attendees to present their views, suggestions etc. regarding this event. DLF Pankaj gave me opportunity to share my views as representative of our club & I putforth our experience about the event. Thereafter, Co ConvenorRtn. Nitin Mulay gave vote of thanks & President Sameer adjourned the meeting.
So the enter AGAC program was a remarkable event.
Rtn.Madhav Soman
Convenor :- AGAC
Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix