District Governor - Rtn. Manjoo Phadke
Editor - Rtn. Madhur Dolare

Rotary Club of Pune East Brightens Futures with Eye Checkup Camp for Low Vision Students Back

In a heartfelt endeavor to make a difference, the Rotary Club of Pune East conducted a two-day Eye Check Camp on 12th and 13th February, 2024, specifically tailored for students with low vision. The camp, which saw participation from 77 students across Maharashtra, identified 35 beneficiaries who could benefit from accessories or instruments to enhance their vision.

The camp not only provided crucial screenings but also served as a beacon of hope for these students, offering the prospect of improved vision and a brighter future. Building on this initiative, the Rotary Club of Pune East is gearing up to organize a follow-up camp in March 2024, where these 35 students will receive the necessary instruments to aid their vision.

The project, undertaken at a cost of Rs.5000/-, exemplifies the Rotary Club of Pune East's commitment to making a meaningful impact in the community. By focusing on the needs of low vision students, the club is championing inclusivity and empowerment, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive.