In a magical celebration, Rotary Club of Baramati orchestrated a captivating show featuring the world-renowned magician, Jitendra Raghuveer. The maestro, belonging to the illustrious third generation of the Raghuveer magical legacy, has enchanted audiences for an impressive 85 years across 28 countries, accumulating an astounding 15,900 houseful shows throughout three generations.
This enchanting spectacle was curated especially for the children of Baramati, bringing a touch of wonder to those a bit removed from the usual realms of entertainment. It fills us with immense pride to announce that over 3000 delighted spectators experienced the magic firsthand, as we successfully organized not one, but two houseful shows. In our endeavor to bring joy and amazement to our community, the Rotary Club of Baramati continues to create enchanting memories for all.