DG Desk
It is such a pleasure to connect with you all through this column in GML. Rotary Year 2024-25 began with a bang in July and the momentum continues in the second month too. There has been record collection of 2 lakh dollars towards Annual Fund in 1st two months itself. I really appreciate the efforts of TRF team and all the generous donors.
Playing 11 is also gaining momentum. Project Chhatrachhaya was a great success. Many clubs distributed umbrellas to needy and shared photographs on district groups and in GML too. I appreciate all the participating clubs for taking up this project wholeheartedly. 3 mega meaningful plantation synergy programs, with the initiative from District Environment team, concluded with participation of over 30 clubs engaging Interactors and school students. Individual clubs are doing lot of meaningful and sustainable projects. You can see the glimpses of the projects done by clubs in GML. Vocational Excellence Award was conferred upon eminent financial market wizard CA Rachana Ranade.District vocational team and all host clubs took great efforts to make it a success.
Participation in youth structured programs by clubs is robust.Charter applications for 15 new Interact clubs and 9 new Rotaract clubs is in process. 12 RYE inbounds have arrived and same number of outbounds are expected to be going. 35 RCC charters are being processed and many more are in pipeline. Through RCC we can involve the community in our Rotary projects and flourish. Literacy team reached out to over 300 students by installing Ideal App. September is Literacy month. Let us reach out to schools and children in remote areas.
August is designated Membership month. We had Membership Seminar. One new Rotary Club and one new satellite club chartered. Membership is growing though worldwide there is drop in membership for various reasons. Around 400 new members were added to our Rotary family. Time to nurture them now.
Friends lot is happening, lot will happen. Keep the spirits high and keep getting fours, sixes and keep running between the wickets. Runs will pour on stadium like heavy rains.
DG Rtn. Shital Shah.